• ~Psalm 46:4-5~

    There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy dwelling places of the Most High. God is in the midst of her, she will not be moved; God will help her when morning dawns.
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    December 2007
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Gotta Silly Voice?

At the ghetto-fabulous high school where I teach, we have morning announcements every day followed by the pledge of allegiance. (Which has nothing to do with being ghetto-fabulous but it’s my favorite description of our school.) Our students are required to stand up for the pledge because it’s respectful but they don’t have to say the words.

Now it just so happens that the students I teach in this particular class tend to be apathetic about everything. They’re downright boring. They don’t ask questions. They don’t look at me while I give notes. In fact they seem a little glazed over all the time. You’re probably thinking, ‘They’re just tired because it’s so early in the morning.‘ But I will have you know that last year’s class was incredibly talkative and engaging during the same time frame. So it’s not that. They’re just not enthusiastic about anything. Not even games. Not even working in groups! They’d rather work silently and independently when given the option.

I think they may have been invaded by aliens.

So in an effort to get them awake and responsive, I tend to do wacky things during the pledge of allegiance. Often I will shout the pledge as loudly as possible. But a few days ago I had a spontaneous burst of ingenuity. I said the pledge in my Bubble Voice.

To make a Bubble Voice, you simply take one of your index fingers (preferably the cleanest one) and point it horizontally across your lips. Then you jiggle your finger up and down wildly while speaking. Yes, you can try it. There’s no one around. See? It’s really fun!

And, I must say, it went over marvelously! They actually laughed!! So now I’m in search of new sound effects to employ during the pledge. What else can I do? Do you have any tricks up your sleeve?

Vanishing Bookmarks

Our computer is trying to give me a heart attack. Yesterday every single one of our bookmarks disappeared. And the whole reason I even HAVE bookmarks is so I don’t have to remember how to find those pages. Grrrr! Not to mention the fact that I can’t even remember half of them.