• ~Psalm 46:4-5~

    There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy dwelling places of the Most High. God is in the midst of her, she will not be moved; God will help her when morning dawns.
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    January 2009
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Over the weekend, Officer Hubster and a few of the guys on his shift volunteered to be the police escort at the funeral for their sargeant’s grandmother. The guys did an excellent job. As a way of saying thank you, Sarge invited them to breakfast this morning at a local pancake shoppe. The three men were in uniform, and after the waitress laid the check on the table, they spent a few minutes chatting before heading back out for their shift.

While they were shooting the breeze, a gray haired man walked up to their table, grabbed their bill and proclaimed, “Thi-yes is what ya call THIEVERY gentlemen!” Then he trotted up to the counter and paid for their breakfast.

12 Responses

  1. I know that the restaurant cant give them their meal free, or even reduced, but it’s nice to see another customer “steal” their bill.

    It’s nice to know that they are appreciated.

  2. That was sweet of him:) I don’t see people ever do stuff like that here.

  3. How awesome!

    People stop my husband when we are out and about and he’s in his ACU’s and say thanks. It’s nice, but sometimes, I’m a little embarassed. It’s his job. He likes it. I don’t stop the cable guy, or the UPS guy in a store and say thank you. I know why they do it, and it is nice. My issue to work on…lol

  4. What a sweet gesture. It really does show that there still are people that have a great heart out there.

  5. Fantastic! Ha! I love it when people do stuff like that totally randomly. 🙂

  6. Such a wonderful gesture! I want to be that kind of person. 🙂

  7. Random acts of kindness rock!
    p.s. you’ve been tagged in my latest post…check it out.

  8. SO sweet!

    I was in Publix around Christmas time, putting Brooks in his shopping cart when a mom and two little boys walked in to do the same. A soldier walked in behind them and with out hesitating the little boy said so sweetly, “Thank you for what you do.” It was so precious. I got teary-eyed. I hope I can raise my child to be grateful to others!

  9. Gotta love a man in uniform!

  10. AWESOME! I love that he did that!

  11. Aw…that is the *best* story. Totally renews my faith in mankind. Thanks for the little pick me up.

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