• ~Psalm 46:4-5~

    There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy dwelling places of the Most High. God is in the midst of her, she will not be moved; God will help her when morning dawns.
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    July 2008
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The latest sleeping craze

Bridoodle sleeps on her tummy like this each night, now. We’ve always put her down to sleep on her back, but she’s been rebellious for the last few months. We caught her sneaking out her window a few nights ago, and she really wants a navel ring. (Totally kidding. Good thing you’re awake!)

Anyway, recently she’s started this little knee tuck position when she sleeps. And it is the cutest thing I have ever seen. Of course, she woke up when I turned the camera on, but you can imagine her with her eyes closed, right?

Each night, after Bri’s been asleep for awhile, Hubs and I will tiptoe into her room to kiss her goodnight. He’s dubbed this our “baby time.” If I go in to look at her while he’s brushing his teeth, then he will skip a few swishes to come in and stand beside me. (This is a big deal, because he always fusses that I don’t swish enough.)

Those angelic moments make all of the stresses of the day melt away. It’s our special time together each night before bed. Listening to her steady breaths, with Hubster’s arm around my waist, gives me that warm fuzzy feeling, that nothing can be better. Almost enough to make me want another little bundle of joy. Almost.

Fun on the Fourth of July

Last night, we were invited to our neighbor’s house for an Independence Day cookout. About an hour before the party, it started raining buckets. Then the power went out. We were starting to think we’d be having peanut butter and jelly sandwiches by candlelight for supper. But our friends called and said, “Let’s just make the best of it.” So we packed up Bri and headed out.

We also brought sparklers and fireworks. The boys (and by boys I mean our husbands) had lots of fun blowing up cockroaches with the fireworks. Yes, they did. They considered using frogs, but we got hysterical at that idea. So they just blew up beer bottles, flower planters and cockroaches.

Hubster’s handwriting can be difficult to read. He’s spelled out USA with his sparklers. Actually, one of those was mine. He had to hold mine when sparks started hitting my arms. I’m not a pyromaniac. And I am definitely a chicken.

The guys really enjoyed the loud fireworks. Some of them sounded like a machine gun. Some of them looked like miniature grenades. At one point we were pretty sure the neighbors were going to call the cops. Good thing we know a few guys on the force. (For any newbies out there, my husband is a cop.)

Anyway, this was my favorite picture of the night. Our hosts are expecting their first child, a boy, in two months. Aren’t they adorable?